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JULY 15 - 26
The Summer Aerospace School of MAI is an international project that annually gathers students
from all over the world within the walls of the Moscow Aviation Institute. Our short scientific
program attracts everyone who is interested in aviation, space and modern high technologies.

In addition, we are pleased to introduce the beautiful Moscow, Russian culture and traditions
to foreign students.

Our two weeks programs include an exciting academic and entertainment program with city
tours, museums and entertainment workshops.

This summer we will hold 3 great educational courses! You can choose what you like best!
We are sure that this MAI Summer School will leave you delighted!
academic hours
2 weeks
in Moscow
academic programs
The Summer Aerospace School of MAI
is an international project that annually gathers students from all over the world within the walls of the Moscow Aviation Institute. Our short scientific program attracts everyone who is interested
in aviation, space and modern high technologies.

In addition, we are pleased to introduce the beautiful Moscow, Russian culture
and traditions to foreign students.

Our two weeks programs include
an exciting academic and entertainment program with city tours, museums
and entertainment workshops.

This summer we will hold 3 great educational courses! You can choose
what you like best! We are sure that this MAI Summer School will leave you delighted!
The Summer Aerospace School
of MAI is an international project
that annually gathers students
from all over the world within
the walls of the Moscow Aviation Institute. Our short scientific
program attracts everyone who
is interested in aviation, space
and modern high technologies.

In addition, we are pleased
to introduce the beautiful Moscow, Russian culture and traditions
to foreign students.

Our two weeks programs include
an exciting academic and entertainment program with city tours, museums and entertainment workshops.

This summer we will hold 3 great educational courses!
You can choose what you like best!
We are sure that this MAI Summer School will leave you delighted!
What will you learn?
What will you learn?
What will you learn?
· What is a racing airplane and how
to make it the most efficient?

· How are aerodynamics and structural
design of the aircraft related?

· How to predict the aerodynamic features
of the aircraft design?

· What modern materials should be used
for the greatest efficiency of a racing aircraft?

· How to make the most successful project
of a racing aircraft using the knowledge of aerodynamics, materials science and PLM?
· What is Additive Manufacturing? Fundamentals and core principles.

· What are the latest trends and innovations in Additive Manufacturing?

· What are the best practices of Additive Manufacturing and Design for Additive Manufacturing (DAM) strategies?

· How to make In-depth Analysis of Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) Technology?

· What are the roles of Material Science, Quality Control and Cost analysis in AM?
· What is the concept of the project, its main characteristics? What is its structure and schematization?

· How to make market analysis in high-tech industries and what is risk management
in project management?

· How to plan business model and business project?

· What is economic analysis of the creation and operation of the project?

· How to build the effective communication in project management?
· What is the concept of the project, its main characteristics? What is its structure and schematization?

· How to make market analysis in high-tech industries and what is risk management
in project management?

· How to plan business model and business project?

· What is economic analysis of the creation and operation of the project?

· How to build the effective communication in project management?
The design of a new aircraft is a complex and interdisciplinary process, while the most effective solutions are often discovered where science and technology converge.
In our summer school, we will explore how the aerodynamics and structural design of a racing aircraft are linked.
For a racing aircraft, the key design driver is speed, hence
its drag and mass. How can we minimize the two to put
the aircraft in a position to pass every rival? In our interactive classes, we will dive into what racing aviation is, what requirements are imposed on a racing aircraft, and how
to predict its aerodynamic and structural performance.

Though a racing aircraft is not expected to suffer high loads, special attention should be paid to the structural design with a focus on mass reduction. Our program, in addition
to lectures, offers you an individual project that will help you consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained
in aerodynamic and structural design, including numerical prediction of airfoil characteristics, structural material selection, and stress analysis. In the end, you will be able
to compare the flight performance of the designed racer
to that of the top existing racing aircraft. Who will be the champion of the race?
The design of a new
aircraft is a complex
and interdisciplinary
process, while the most
effective solutions are often
discovered where science
and technology converge. In our
summer school, we will explore how the aerodynamics and structural design of a racing aircraft are linked. For a racing aircraft, the key design driver is speed, hence its drag and mass. How can we minimize the two to put the aircraft
in a position to pass every rival? In our interactive classes, we will dive into what racing aviation
is, what requirements are imposed on a racing aircraft, and how to predict its aerodynamic
and structural performance.

Though a racing aircraft is not expected to suffer high loads, special attention should be paid
to the structural design with a focus on mass reduction. Our program, in addition to lectures, offers you an individual project that will help
you consolidate the theoretical knowledge
gained in aerodynamic and structural design, including numerical prediction of airfoil characteristics, structural material selection,
and stress analysis. In the end, you will be able
to compare the flight performance of the
designed racer to that of the top existing racing aircraft. Who will be the champion of the race?
The cornerstone of innovation within the realm of modern industry and design is the inherent value created by additive manufacturing (AM) technologies. This course delves into the emerging trends
in AM, with a specific focus on Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), exploring its potential to revolutionize product development, design practices, and consumer services.

The application of additive manufacturing technologies, particularly FFF, is a key driver in the evolution of industries and their offerings, enabling the creation of complex, high-value projects tailored
to meet and exceed consumer expectations. The philosophy
of integrated service delivery, from identifying consumer needs
to achieving their total satisfaction, is at the heart of this course's objective. By fostering an understanding of the economic and social efficiencies derived from effective AM project management
and product logic development, students are prepared
to make significant contributions to the field.

Structured as a project-oriented training program, the course emphasizes the practical application of FDM technology in crafting innovative solutions to real-world challenges. Through collaborative workshops, students will develop their project concepts, which will culminate in a presentation before an experienced jury, simulating
the comprehensive process of bringing an AM project from conception to realization.
The cornerstone of innovation
within the realm of modern industry
and design is the inherent value
created by additive manufacturing
(AM) technologies. This course
delves into the emerging trends
in AM, with a specific focus on Fused
Filament Fabrication (FFF), exploring
its potential to revolutionize product development, design practices, and consumer services.

The application of additive manufacturing technologies, particularly FFF, is a key driver
in the evolution of industries and their offerings, enabling the creation of complex, high-value projects tailored to meet and exceed consumer expectations. The philosophy of integrated service delivery, from identifying consumer needs
to achieving their total satisfaction, is at the heart
of this course's objective. By fostering an understanding of the economic and social efficiencies derived from effective AM project management and product logic development, students are prepared to make significant contributions to the field.

Structured as a project-oriented training program, the course emphasizes the practical application
of FDM technology in crafting innovative solutions
to real-world challenges. Through collaborative workshops, students will develop their project concepts, which will culminate in a presentation before an experienced jury, simulating the comprehensive process of bringing an AM project from conception to realization.
The key feature that determines the success of a particular activity is the value that the product creates.

Trends in the development of modern technologies, economics of industries and their consumption largely rely on the creation of complex high-tech projects designed
to provide comprehensive services to consumers.
An integrated service is a value creation model that begins with identifying the needs and problems of consumers
and ends with the complete satisfaction of all user needs.

Economic and social efficiency depends on the effectiveness of project management and building
the product logic for creating services.

As part of the training, it is planned to study the initial stages of project development. The summer school program is project-oriented, students in working groups
will work out their project ideas and at the end will defend them before an experienced commission - a jury.
The key feature
that determines
the success of a
particular activity
is the value that
the product creates.
Trends in the development
of modern technologies,
economics of industries
and their consumption largely
rely on the creation of complex high-tech projects designed to provide comprehensive services
to consumers. An integrated service is a value
creation model that begins with identifying the needs and problems of consumers and ends with the complete satisfaction of all user needs.

Economic and social efficiency depends on
the effectiveness of project management and building the product logic for creating services.

As part of the training, it is planned to study
the initial stages of project development.
The summer school program is project-oriented, students in working groups will work out their project ideas and at the end will defend them before an experienced commission - a jury.
Following the results of the Summer School, you will present your own interesting projects developed in the team.
The purpose of Summer School is not only
to give students knowledge, but also introduce them to the beautiful Russian culture.
Mentors from Russia supervise students so that our school immerse you in real Russian culture and science.
The Summer School program includes not only study activities but also excursions to museums and historical places of Moscow.
Following the results of the Winter School, you will present your own interesting projects developed in the team.
Students can independently adjust the schedule of lectures, as all materials are provided on
the record. Students will be able to repeat the material and thus better assimilate the material.
Students can independently adjust
the schedule of lectures, as all materials
are provided on the record. Students will be able to repeat the material and thus better assimilate the material.
This summer together with the Moscow Aviation Institute will be not only informative for you, but also really fun!
Pelikh Evgeniy
Engineer of the research department
Kovtunov Sergey
engineer of Smart materials laboratory of MAI

Veniamin "Ben" Brykin
Engineer of R&D
Department 904

Dietrich Faidel
CEO of LLC “3D-Meduza”,
developer of laser-based machines
Ryzhova Elizabeth
engineer of Smart materials laboratory of MAI

Karpovich Elena
PhD, Senior lecture of Aircraft engineering faculty

Konstantinov Ilia
Head of English program of Aircraft engineering faculty

Dukhnovsky Denis
engineer of Smart materials laboratory of MAI

Khvan Alexander
Head of Aerospace project
managements department

Pelikh Evgeniy

Education: Specialist — Moscow Aviation Institute (National research university) Aircraft and Helicopter Engineering (2017-2023)

Career History:
2017-2021 — RSK “MiG” Company (Mikoyan Design Bureau) — Fuselage Department — Engineer
2021-2023 — PJSC UAC (Aircraft Factory in Luhovitsy) — Flight test facility — Aircraft operation engineer
From 2023 — Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) — Engineer of the research department

Kovtunov Sergey
engineer, laboratory №2 Research Department of the Department 101
Postgraduate student of the 1st Institute of the 101st department
Shanghai Jiaotong University
Aeronautics and astronautics, Aeronautical Engineering
Engineer, Head of the Functional Department of Computational Micromechanics and Fatigue Strength of Metals and PCM.
5 publications indexed by the Scopus database
Field of interests: Micromechanics of PCM, mechanics of destruction of PCM, modification of PCM by nanoparticles
Veniamin "Ben" Brykin holds a Bachelor's degree in Applied Mechanics, with a focus on CAD-systems, and a Master's degree in Quality Management, both from the Moscow Aviation Institute. His professional journey includes over eight years at the institute's additive manufacturing laboratory, where he has been involved in research and development in the field. His PhD research focused on optimizing the process of selective laser melting, contributing to improvements in the efficiency and precision of this production method.

Currently, Ben is the Chief Technology Officer at the laboratory, where he oversees projects related to additive technologies, including 3D-printing, scanning and reverse engineering. His role involves leading a team in exploring and implementing various additive manufacturing processes, aiming to advance the field through practical applications and innovation.
Ryzhova Elizabeth
engineer, laboratory №2
Composite materials R&D 101 MAI

Shanghai Jiaotong University
Aeronautics and astronautics, Aeronautical Engineering

School of Management, Product Lifecycle Management
Knowledge management as corporations transition to a life cycle business model

Participant of the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research project 16-38-00829 “Development of methods for increasing the energy efficiency of chemical current sources with aluminum energy carrier by improving work processes on the electrodes.”
Works under the project of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation MK-3607.2022.1.1, studying the mechanical properties of composite materials with modified fiber
Dietrich Faidel studied mechanical engineering at the German elite university “RWTH Aachen” with the field of study “Production technology for microsystems and laser technology”. He did his PhD at Research center “Juelich” in cooperation with Welding and Joining Institute of “RWTH Aachen”. After his PhD he was employed for more than eight years as an expert for additive and laser technology at the Central Institute of Engineering, Electronics and Analytics of research center “Juelich”. At the same time, he was a member of the industry research committee “Generative manufacturing processes” of the “German Research Foundation”. He has more than 15 years of experience in laser, electron beam and additive technologies. And he is the author of 16 scientific publications and 4 patents.

At the present time he is CEO of LLC “3D-Meduza”, which develops innovative laser-based machines for additive manufacturing and big LCD-photopolymeric 3D-printers.
Khvan Alexander
Head of project managements department

1. Bachelor’s degree – Moscow Aviation Institute (National research university) – Technology design and quality management of aviation industry (2013-2017)
2. Bachelor’s degree – Moscow Aviation Institute (National research university) – Linguistic science. Translator in aerospace industry (2015-2019)
3. Master’s degree – Moscow Aviation Institute (National research university) – Product Lifecycle Management in the design and production of aircraft. (2017- 2019)
4. PhD – Moscow Aviation Institute (National research university) (2019)

Career History:
2013 – 2017 – Sukhoi Company (Sukhoi Design Bureau) – department of standardization – Engineer.
2018 – 2022 – Moscow Aviation Institute (National research university) – Director of summer\winter school MAI
2018 – 2023 – Moscow Aviation Institute (National research university) – School of design and certification of aircraft– Senior professor
From 2023 – Director of project management department MAI | Deputy director of space technology center

Konstantinov Ilia Head of the educational program on the part of MAI

Shanghai Jiaotong University Aeronautics and astronautics, Aeronautical Engineering

Senior professor of department 101 “Aircraft design and certification”, engineer, head of international educational projects.

More than 10 scientific international publications

Head of the team for different international competition such as:
6th China International college students “Internet +” Innovation and Entrepreneurship competition, 3rd Place 2020.
7th China International college students “Internet +” Innovation and Entrepreneurship competition, Gold Award 2021.
7th China Graduate Future Flight Vehicle Innovation Competition, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 1st place 2021.

From 2021 leading methodologist - developer of the All-Russian Student Olympiad"I'm a professional".
Since 2022 member of the working group for the education modernization of the Moscow Aviation Institute within the framework of the State Program of Strategic Academic Leadership "Priority 2030", Head of master’s educational program “Comprehensive development of polymer composite materials structures” within the framework of the State Development Program "Advanced Engineering Schools".
Dukhnovsky Denis
Engineer at the Laboratory of Composite Materials and Structural Strength, postgraduate student at the Department of Design and Certification of Aviation Equipment.

Graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute with a degree in Aviation and Helicopter Engineering. More than 10 scientific publications.

Since 2018, he has been involved in the calculation of the strength of aircraft structures. Solve problems related to the development of structural and strength designs of aircraft, selection of materials, strength calculations under static and dynamic loads. Explores the use of composite materials in aircraft manufacturing.
Elena Karpovich is an aircraft engineer and a professor with a Ph.D. in aeronautical engineering.

Elena specializes in aircraft aerodynamic design. Since 2012, Elena has been working as a design engineer for the preliminary design department of Yakovlev Corporation. In addition, she has given lectures and introductory short-term courses to interns and high school visitors to the corporation's Engineering Center. Since 2020, she has been serving as a peer reviewer for the Aerospace Systems journal and two MDPI journals, Aerospace and Energy. In 2021–2023, Elena composed three courses for Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) Ph.D. students, including the course on academic writing and peer reviewing. Also, in 2022, she created an online course, Introduction to Aircraft Aerodynamics, which one can find here:

As an assistant professor, Elena also gives a scientific seminar on aircraft engineering to MAI Master's degree international students, serves as a technical translator, and has some experience in charing conference sections. Elena holds honors degrees in aircraft design, aerodynamics, and Greek philology. In fulfillment of her life-long learning approach, she has benefited from numerous supplementary courses, including the Peer Review and Mentoring in Peer Review courses by the Publons Academy (Web of Science Academy), the Psychology of Public Speaking, and the Pedagogy in Higher Education courses.
What is included
in the course price:
What is NOT included
in the course price:
· 2 weeks hotel accommodation

· Meals (breakfast, lunch)

· Lectures and workshops

· Checking homework

· Constant communication with teachers
and assistant

· Excursions

· Certificate upon completion of the course
· Flight tickets

· Personal expenses
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click here to choose
click here to choose
click here to choose
click here to choose
Deadline - 5th of may
We kindly invite all students over 18 years of age
how to apply?
Contact us
Sign a contract
Arrive to Moscow
Confirm participation
Make a payment
Please fill in the data
in the form on the website.
Make sure it was correct.
Our managers will prepare
a contract for you. Please
signit and scan it back to us.
Take only a good mood
with you.
Receive a letter from the administration of the Summer School and confirm participation.
Please pay the participant's
fee and be ready to start!
Confirm participation
Receive a letter from the administration of the Summer School and confirm participation.
Sign a contract
Our managers will prepare
a contract for you. Please sign
it and scan it back to us.
Make a payment
Please pay the participant's
fee and be ready to start!
Enjoy studying at the MAI
Summer School!
We kindly invite all students
over 18 years of age
Arrive to Moscow
Take only a good mood with you.
Arrive to Moscow
Take only a good mood with you
Enjoy studying
at the MAI Summer School!
Yulia Sidorova
Anna Katkina
Ekaterina Rybakova
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